What I Am All About

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Kidnapping, Murican, embassy, Nicaragua, Ben

My Letter to the Newest Ambassador at the American Embassy in Nicaragua

Please forward to Ambassador Kevin K. Sullivan

I just read about your appointment almost a year ago, so here's a belated congratulations. I never received a response from your predecessor, so I hope I can get some satisfaction from you. 

She may or may not have told you about me, but over the 2013 Thanksgiving holiday, I left my then 12-year old son Ben with some "friends" from Casa Ben Linder while I went to get some cough syrup from a nearby pulperia. Instead of picking me up there as we discussed, they went instead to a supermercado much further away. After waiting for them an extra half hour, I went back to where the Thanksgiving party had been, but it was closed up.

In looking for Ben, I was mugged first by a hang of putas who stole my wallet and phone. The next night I was mugged 3 times on my way to the embassy, the last time left for dead.

While I was desperately seeking my son, the CBL people arranged with agent James Bjorkman at the embassy and my then-wife Angie to kidnap Ben away from me, spread lies about me across the Nicaraguan agencies like Mi Familia, and deliberately keep me in the dark about Ben's whereabouts and status. Bjorkman then flew Angie to Managua and then both her and my son back to the states while your agent made sure I was out of the way by getting the police to stick me in an immigration detention center for 5 days.

Basically, I  never wanted anything to do with the embassy again, but after a month of homelessness and hunger in Léon, I gave up, packed my tail between my legs, and went back there. Under EXTREME mental duress, I signed a form saying I would pay back the return flight costs to the State Department. Strange thing about the cost, too. I flew a family of 5 from Miami to Managua for $1000. Yet my single flight back cost what? I think close to $1500. Just one more kick in the nuts from the embassy you inherited.

Because of the muggings, I am disabled and on a fixed Social Security Disability Income. I cannot afford to pay the extortion money to get my passport back. I want to eventually go back to Nicaragua and continue where I left off: healing and teaching those wonderful people. Despite the muggers. Thanks,

Michael Mangold, M.D.



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