What I Am All About

Monday, April 29, 2019


I lived with a pathological liar for 14 years. In the Summer of Lies (2012), I discovered the hard way how destructive this can be. Angie started the feast by covering the fact that she had been making out with a woman named Christa while keeping me and the kids waiting in the car. She lied through our divorce and the judge never called her on it, despite my protestations. But the biggest lie is still destroying my integrity and friendships.

My daughter Ami has blessed me with a wonderful grandson, Max. I have been impoverished until recently since I was abandoned in Nicaragua by Angie when she conspired with the American embassy there to kidnap my son Ben. This is how it ties in with this blog. Anyway, I feel guilty about not being a generous Grandfather to all three grandsons of mine. It bothers the hell out of me, so I offered Ami a proposal: I would adopt Max, who would then be the recipient of my Social Security Disability Insurance payments after I die. As it now stands, Angie is, just by virtue of having been married to me. Think about that: I became disabled because of the muggings I endured in Managua looking for Ben; she ruined my family, my finances, and my career, and yet our guvment believes she should benefit by death. I seriously am surprised she hasn't put a hit on me.

So when Ami told Chris about my offer, he sent me a nasty message telling me what an awful person I am. At the end, to "get back" at me, he mentioned the rumor, the terrible lie, Angie has been spreading since the Summer of Lies: that I "touched our daughter Savannah like a man touches his wife." Thinking about it makes me physically sick, so here is my response, two weeks in the making:

Read it and weep. I do.

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