What I Am All About

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Shalom for the Heart

I will let Rabbi Moffic's words speak for themselves:

What if one word could change your life? What if one word made sense of what was missing...and what is possible? That word is God's promise: Shalom. 

Shalom is right relationship... with others, ourselves, with God. It has worked for 4000 years. In the generous spirit he is known for, Rabbi Moffic exposes Christians to the power of that ancient Hebrew word. When you open up this book, you'll find ways to
  • stop worrying about being perfect by remembering only God is perfect (p. 9)
  • pray with intimacy and vision (p. 79) 
  • know the meaning of mystical Hebrew words (p. 134) 
  • uncover the 31 ways ancient rabbis have understood key biblical sayings 

  • And as you read, you will
    • soak up ancient wisdom in a five-minute devotion and prayer
    • laugh a little more as you get exposed to Jewish humor and wisdom
    • feel encouraged during a hectic day
    • Get Your Copy today to start bringing more Shalom into your life.

      Tuesday, February 28, 2017

      POWER: Surviving and Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse

      This article is just too good not to post. Shahida Arabi talks about the tactics malignant narcissists and sociopaths use to manipulate others. The article, "20 Diversion Tactics Highly Manipulative Narcissists, Sociopaths And Psychopaths Use To Silence You" is taken from her book POWER: Surviving and Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse and closely mirrors my own experiences. Unfortunately for me, I didn't realize what the situation was until 15 years into our relationship.

      I describe some of this emotional abuse in my book "Mythomania: A Psychodrama." At first, my standard response was frustration. After I discovered Angie's deceptions during the "Summer of Lies" in 2012, frustration turned to anger. Which is apparently a crime in Wisconsin. She ended up using the courts, the police, and her friends against me. But one of the most damaging tactics was exclusion.

      Read the article if you can. If you are in a relationship with someone like this, get professional help:

      1. Gaslighting.

      2. Projection.

      3. Nonsensical conversations from hell.

      4. Blanket statements and generalizations.

      5. Deliberately misrepresenting your thoughts and feelings to the point of absurdity.

      6. Nitpicking and moving the goalposts.

      7. Changing the subject to evade accountability.

      8. Covert and overt threats.

      9. Name-calling.

      10. Destructive conditioning.

      11. Smear campaigns and stalking.

      12. Love-bombing and devaluation.

      13. Preemptive defense.

      15. Bait and feign innocence.

      16. Boundary testing and hoovering.

      17. Aggressive jabs disguised as jokes.

      18. Condescending sarcasm and patronizing tone.

      19. Shaming.

      20. Control.

      Thursday, February 23, 2017

      "Desperately Seeking Cereal" Available as Free Kindle Download

      Once again, I am offering the sequel to My Worst Thanksgiving Ever for free until February 26th. Desperately Seeking Cereal takes off where "Thanksgiving" ends: with me chasing the thieving landlady Claudia out of the house. You can download it at the title in this text or at the Amazon link on the right. This is an excerpt from the first chapter:

      Adios San Juan

      After chasing the thieving landlady Claudia out of the house, I decided it was time to leave San Juan del Sur for good. I first limped to my attorney’s hostal and asked her to stop working on my license to practice in Nicaragua. We were about ¾’s of the way done with the process, just waiting for more paperwork to arrive from Rivas, the capital of that departmento (state). I told her about getting mugged five times in Managua, Benny's abduction under the direction of the American embassy, and my five day imprisonment in the detention center. It was a sad story to tell, made even sadder by the realization that my dreams were grinding to a stop.

      I couldn’t carry everything Dueña Claudia still left at the house so I packed all of our books into a large box and donated them to a local library run by a non-profit group from the U.S. Most of the rest of our possessions such as clothing and costume jewelry I donated to the women I worked with at Barrio Playa Proyecto. I even stuffed Angie’s “massager” into the middle of the bag, figuring that we no longer had any use for it. I can only imagine the looks on their faces when they found it. But by then I would be gone.

      After my donation to BPP, I headed back to the house that had been our home in Nicaragua. I stopped first to tell Abuelo and his family the bad news. Abuelo was recovering nicely after his brush with death. He developed septicemia from a kidney infection and his doctor had prescribed the wrong antibiotic. I wasn't licensed yet to care for patients there so I told his son to purchase some ciprofloxacin at the nearest pharmacy and try that instead. Much to everyone’s pleasure and relief, the new regimen worked.

      After giving them the news, I crossed to the other side of the brick-paved street and looked in pastor Richard’s yard for my dog Rasco. No sign of him. Ben had taken the dog there the night before we left for the Thanksgiving dinner in Managua. Since my solo return the Saturday afterwards and again since returning from my forced captivity, I had stopped at Richard’s place several times to find Rasco. No one ever answered the door or my shouts. In fact, one kid ran into the house on my arrival and locked the door. First muggings, kidnapping, theft of our household items, and now dognapping?

      When I got home I finished packing my backpack. Essentially everything I owned which wasn’t in storage in Wisconsin or in our car in Dania, Florida I was either wearing or carrying on my back. I clipped a camping pot into a carabiner on the back of my pack, grabbed my hat and bandanna, and stepped outside. I left the door wide open and told the kids across the street that they could have anything left in the house. Since everything still there was Dueña Claudia’s, I smiled at their happy shouts as I walked one last time to the parada in San Juan del Sur.

      Sunday, January 29, 2017

      Mi Peor Acción de Gracias Siempre: Una Tragedia Panamericana

      Available January 26- January 30 as a free Kindle download is "My Worst Thanksgiving Ever" in Spanish: "Mi Peor Acción de Gracias Siempre: Una Tragedia Panamericana." Since the action takes place in Nicaragua, it seems only fitting.

      It is now also available as a paper back. Amazon has modernized CreateSpace to become a print-on-demand company. This is from Capitulo 9: La Pared Embajada:

      Capítulo 9

      La Pared Embajada

      Después de unos minutos de maldición y de agitación, me puse de pie, me sacudí, y tomó un inventario de mis heridas. Mi trasero estaba todavía dolorido de la noche anterior y ahora tenía abiertas, heridas en las manos y los codos con hemorragia activa, y para mi sien izquierda. Espinillas se erosionada hasta los huesos de la tibia, y que tenía fracturas en ambos pies. Mis sandalias se habían ido y caminar duelen como el demonio. Los asaltadores me dejaron con sólo una camiseta, pantalones cortos y ropa interior. La camisa era tan sangrienta que parecía como si hubiera estado en una batalla.

      Reconocí un paso elevado de la última vez que estuve en la embajada de Estados Unidos , así que sabía que estaba cerca. Eso me dio fuerzas renovadas y me encontré con. Cuando vi el muro de hormigón que rodea el compuesto, casi lloro. Benny había hecho pis en esa pared dos semanas antes. A plena luz del día.Me sentí tan aliviado esa noche que yo también.

      He recibido una llamada de alguien en la embajada de Estados Unidos en Nicaragua con un día de mediados de noviembre. Puede haber sido el mismo James.Angie había contactado con él de Wisconsin y dijo que estaba seguro de Ben tenía la fiebre del Dengue. Podría, le pidió al funcionario de la embajada, llevar a Ben a Managua para demostrar lo contrario? Le dije que estaríamos allí en dos días si pudiera encontrar un maestro sustituto para las clases de inglés que impartía como voluntario en el Barrio Proyecto Planta.

      Monday, January 2, 2017

      Mythomania: A Psychodrama

      The eBook version of Mythomania: A Psychodrama will be free as a Kindle download until January 4th. The following is an excerpt from the book:

      Chapter 11

      A Miniature Sick Society

      The evil deny the suffering of their guilt - the painful awareness of their sin, inadequacy, and imperfection - by casting their pain onto others through projection and scapegoating. They themselves may not suffer, but those around them do. They cause suffering. The evil create for those under their dominion a miniature sick society.”
      M. Scott Peck People of the Lie

      The sickness began the day Angie opened the door to the I.R.S. agent. Rather, to paraphrase Robert Jordan, it wasn’t the beginning but it was a beginning. I affirm in “Thanksgiving” that what truly matters when we face a tragedy is how we react to it. And how we react reflects our own characters and personalities, even if they are disordered.

      After the Dear John letter from Curtis Johnson, I scrambled to find a new job. I found two, both part-time. The first was at Riverwest Clinic in inner city Milwaukee. It wasn’t the E.R. but it was in an underserved area. I concentrated on Family Medicine there and the other docs concentrated on pushing drugs. I’m not kidding. When I discovered that, I had only two options in my mind: quit or become an addictionologist. I chose the latter. I trained in Suboxone therapy and became very good at it.

      The second job was at a community health center in Racine. It was a lot farther than Riverwest and I couldn’t stomach the thought of the drive every day. So I signed on part-time. It was a nice arrangement. I made precious little in Racine but very good money at Riverwest. I still practiced Primary Care, gave quality medical care to the needy, and spent a lot less time in a car than when I worked in E.R.’s.

      I started at Riverwest at the end of January, near my birthday. I worked there for 2 weeks before my first paycheck and even then I hadn’t decided whether I was going to stay or not. Either way, I needed a vehicle that was rugged enough to get me through the Wisconsin Winter. We applied for a loan with General Motors for a used Blazer. We got it, I think mainly because of Riverwest. The office manager even wrote a letter of support to G.M. So here I was, just 5 weeks after losing my last job, driving around Milwaukee in a new (for us) S.U.V. It appeared to be a pretty picture. Looks can be deceiving.

      Around that time I received a phone call from a government official claiming to speak “on behalf of the Department of Education.” He wanted to know why I was applying for a deferment on my medical student loan. I explained that I lost my job earlier that year. He wanted to know if I had any other income. Since I hadn’t been paid yet from Riverwest, I told him “no.” Which was misleading. I admit it. I was expecting my first paycheck but I still hadn’t decided if I was going to stay there or not. I suppose if he had been calling on behalf of G.M., I would have said “yes.” But I really needed that deferment and I really needed that car.

      In April, we filed our taxes. Married, filing jointly. Angie was working at Aurora Health Care in Kenosha at the time. We were supposed to get some money back, but the feds refused to send us the refund because of my back taxes over 8 years before. Which wasn’t fair to Angie. We weren’t even married that earlier tax year. The rape continued.

      That was when Angie started recruiting members into her Miniature Sick Society. Her brother Greg Lentz is a financial advisor with Ozark Life Insurance. Since meeting Angie, I had taken out several policies with him and so over the years I gave him thousands of dollars. When we opened our second clinic in West Bend, The Mangold Center for Family Health & Wellness, I also bought business insurance from a friend of his. Did my generosity make him think twice about his actions?

      When Angie didn’t get her tax refund that year, she started planning a new strategy with Greg. It didn’t take effect until two years later when they brought in a co-conspirator named Nicholas Bartz. She sought out “innocent or injured spouse relief.” I call it the “Up Yours, Mike” strategy and it was all behind my back. Was it within her rights to do it? Of course. The I.R.S. had no business stealing her money. But was it the right or loving thing to do? Did Greg and Angie have to be so deceitful?

      Dr. Peck writes, “We do not become partners to evil by accident. As adults we are not forced by fate to become trapped by an evil power: we set the trap ourselves.” The lies, scapegoating, victim-blaming, excuses, and backstabbing all become a mental labyrinth. It got worse because People of the Lie need to revise history to prove their righteousness to themselves and especially to others. “Evil was defined as the use of power to destroy the spiritual growth of others for the purpose of defending and preserving the integrity of our own sick selves.” Welcome to the Miniature Sick Society of Southeast Wisconsin.

      After my plea bargain, the feds did a “Pre-Sentencing Investigation.” The goal of the P.S.I. is to prove to the judge that the defendant deserves a harsh sentence. They interviewed Angie. If I were king, I would make it illegal to use the testimony of an ex-spouse or of someone who would soon be your ex-spouse. What makes them think the testimony is unbiased and truthful?

      Besides all of the crap Angie made up After Christa (AC), she also told the pre-sentencing investigator one last, big lie.

      She said she was not aware that I used the tax money to save Jon’s life.